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A community built collection of tools for University of Waterloo students, generally written by University of Waterloo students. Submit a tool that has helped you!



A tool helps you add funds to your WatCard easily.
Authors: Weitian Xing, Kevin Lu, Yuxin Fan
Source code: Find us on github

UWaterloo Subreddit

News from around campus and other discussions.

Course Selection

Bird Courses

Looking for easy marks?

Quest Schedule Exporter

Helps export your class schedule so you can use it with Google Calendar, a mobile calendar application or anything else that uses the iCalendar format.
Source code: github

UW Flow

Explore thousands of course and professor reviews from UW students.

UWaterloo AddCourse

A Python package and script that lets you continuously query QUEST to add you into a particular course. No longer do you have to get up at an obscure time to get the course you want. Now just run the handy script and let it run over night or all day on your laptop while you can go eat spam and eggs at one of the university's fine culinary establishments.
Author: Kieran Colford
Source code: github

uWaterloo Schedule Exporter (Chrome plugin)

Export your University of Waterloo class schedule directly from Quest.
Author: Baraa Hamodi


WaterlooWorks Azure

Azure is the best extension to enhance your experience of WaterlooWorks.
Authors: Zijian Shao

WaterlooWorks Now

Adds disruptive and innovative features to WaterlooWorks, improving its UI/UX.
Authors: Gurpreet Gill, Peyman Gardideh, Neil Lohana
Source code: Github



d2d is a tool to download all of the content from the University of Waterloo's new learning management system which uses Desire2Learn instead of the old Angel based UWACE.
Source code: github

Learn Darklight

Learn Darklight offers multiple themes and advanced features for Waterloo Learn.
Author: Zijian Shao
Source code: github


Grand River Transit (web app)

A mobile-friendly web application with tools for finding nearby stops and next buses, viewing route maps, and more! Works on most major desktop and mobile browsers.
Author: Jason Li

Class Helpers


It will automatically format your C++ closer to the slightly-quirky format used in CS343 ~cs343/CPPCodingGuidelines.shtml
Author: balasanjay
Source code: Github

George +

New features include Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding, In-Browser storage, Proof Auto-renumbering (type ")" on a new line), Auto-complete, Code snippets (type "a{")
Author: Ted Ying, Akash Sant, Allen Wang

Marmoset CLI

This package provides both a command line script for interacting with Marmoset and a Python package to write programs/scripts that can interact with Marmoset.
Author: Ford Peprah
Download: Marmoset CLI
Source code: on Github

Marmoset Monkey

Ease-of-use features (e.g. auto-retrieve latest submission results) and UI enhancements for the Marmoset assignment submission site. Only for use with Firefox.
Authors: Mike Ross
Source code: Github

uC++ Sublime Highlighting

An extension for Sublime Text that highlights uC++, the language used in CS343.
Author: Philip Duncan
Source code: Github


A LaTeX document class to make you life easier when writing work term reports for the University of Waterloo. The latest and most popular fork is at
Author: Casey Banner
Source code: github


The Meticulous US Intern's Guide

A detailed to-do list for US internships, from the moment you have an offer to when you’re filing your taxes the year after.
Authors: Anthony Zhang
Source code: github

UW Engineering Student Guide

A collection of tips, resources, and services around Waterloo to help students succeed in University. If you are a senior, please contribute.

Waterloo-USA Intern Guide

If you are considering a co-op term in the US, or are preparing for one, make sure you read this! If you just finished one, please contribute.
Source code: github

What I Wish I Knew for the Design Project

Having completed their design projects, the 2012 class of Software Engineering gave an informal presentation on Thursday to share their experiences.
Author: SE2012 / SE 2014
Source code: github



Greetings traveler, thank you for your interest in this site. If you have any issues with the site, let me know! If the domain lapses, this page should still be available as a Cloudflare Pages subdomain: (Hi Internet Archive!)

This site built by Kyle Lexmond and the WatTools team, rebuilt from Viktor Stanchev's original site. Source code is available on Github

Not affiliated with the University of Waterloo